Aug 2015
New Hybrid Operating Room Debuts with First Surgical Procedure
By: Anonym 4129
The first cardiac hybrid procedure was performed on July 30, 2015, in the new $5.5 million hybrid room. This type of operating room is the only one of its kind in north St. Louis County, and it’s in only 2 percent of hospitals nationwide.
The hybrid room combines the components of an operating room with the procedures of a cardiac catheter lab -- such as placement and correction of pacemakers -- when more complex surgical treatment is required. The room also is equipped with advanced medical imaging technology.
“The hybrid room allows Christian Hospital to provide high-tech procedures,” Nabil Munfakh, MD, medical director of cardiothoracic surgery at Christian Hospital. “Everything is headed toward being as minimally invasive as possible and the hybrid room is at the forefront of this in regard to cardiology.”
The hybrid room was made possible through the fundraising efforts of the Christian Hospital Foundation through donations from hospital employees, physicians, the hospital’s Auxiliary and the north St. Louis community.
Pictured in the hybrid room during the history-making procedure are, from left, cardiothoracic surgeon Stefano Schena, MD,cardiothoracic surgeon; Melissa Desuza, certified surgical tech; Sloan Kessinger, cardiovascular tech; andDeepak Koul, MD, interventional cardiologist.