Give Now
Support from our community is the cornerstone of everything we do at Christian Hospital.
Every day Christian Hospital and Northwest HealthCare transform health care for thousands of patients living in the communities of North County, Greater St. Louis County, and southern Illinois. Doing so depends on the generous support of donors.
Your donation today is an investment in the future of health care tomorrow. Every gift, no matter the size, will equip Christian Hospital and Northwest HealthCare with the vital resources needed to provide timely, high-quality care to our patients and community now and in the future.
World-Class health care can and should be available for everyone. Join us as we make care possible for the communities we serve through philanthropy.
Ways to GIVE
Give Online
Online giving is a simple, secure way to invest in the future of health. Make a credit card gift using our secure online giving form.
Send a Check
Please send your check made payable to the Christian Hospital Foundation to the following address, along with a note detailing the fund you would like to support:
Christian Hospital Foundation 11133 Dunn Rd., Ste. 300N St. Louis, MO, 63136
Employer Matching Gift
Many companies offer matching gift programs that could double, triple, or even quadruple your gift. Ask your employer today about matching gifts.
AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to Christian Hospital Foundation. See steps below to designate the Foundation as your charity.
- Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
- From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
- Search for Christian Hospital Foundation and select it as your charity.
- Start shopping at smile.amazon.com. The donation is made at no extra cost to you.
Honor and Memorial Giving
A tribute gift is a meaningful way to convey sympathy to the bereaved, memorialize a loved one, commemorate a special occasion or honor a person’s life and accomplishments. Your gift to Christian Hospital Foundation made in honor or memory of a special person ensures a legacy that extends far into the future.
Grateful Patient Program
Donating to our Grateful Patient Program is a thoughtful way to recognize the excellent care you or a loved one received at Christian Hospital. This program enables
you and your family to support programs, services and equipment that enhance the patient experience at Christian Hospital. Your health care hero will receive an award certificate and an honorary lapel pin to wear proudly.
Please contact Necole Cheung at the Christian Hospital Foundation at 314.653.5035 for more information.
Donor-Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle administered by a sponsoring organization and created for the purpose of managing charitable donations on behalf of an organization, family or individual. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.
Stock Donation/IRA Donation
Christian Hospital welcomes gifts of publicly traded securities, closely held securities, mutual funds, real estate investment trusts and bonds. This is a simple way to make a gift with minimum delay and expense with tax benefits to donors. We’ll be happy to help facilitate the transfer process.
Contact Necole Cheung at 314.653.5035 or email at [email protected] and copy [email protected] before initiating a transfer.
Planned Giving
Make a gift that leaves a lasting personal legacy at Christian Hospital. The Foundation accepts deferred gifts, including bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. To discuss life-income and estate gifts, please contact Necole Cheung at 314.653.5035.
Recurring Gifts
We offer the option to set up automatic, recurring gifts deducted from your account on a monthly or quarterly basis. Simply select your desired frequency on our online giving form.